New Patreon Updates!

October 05, 2023

Hello, painting friends!

I have exciting news from Patreon about awesome new features for my LaureArt Members and Fans!  These fantastic updates are game-changers for Creators and Members alike, and I know you're going to love them.  Here's a brief overview:

  • Updated Mobile App - You'll want to download the new free Patreon App to your phone or tablet.  Even if you currently have the app, go to the App Store and type Patreon in the search bar to download the newest, updated version.

  • Join for Free - Now my fans and followers can join a Free Membership Tier - a "taste and see" subscription that can be upgraded to a paid membership tier any time.  Subscribers to the Free tier will have automatic access to all my public posts, including links to Free for Friends events.

  • Members Chat Room - Subscribers to all paid tiers have access to this new Community feature where members can share comments, questions, and photos of their work.  (Sorta like a private Face---k group, but not Face---k!) It's a great way to develop community while developing your confidence as an artist.  I'll get our Chat Room started soon - look for an upcoming post with more details.

  • Members Personal Profile -  Now members have the option of controlling how much information they want to share with others in their Personal Profile.  Members will see these options in the Settings tab on their personal Patreon home page.

  • Shop the LaurePaillex Store on Patreon - Now Free Fans & Followers, as well as those with paid memberships, can shop directly from my Patreon store.  This is an easy, convenient, and secure way to purchase my art creations and digital goods.  I'll be adding popular items to my Patreon shop over the next few weeks, so peek in often to see what's available.  My website will also remain active.

  • New Patreon Homepage - Finally, when you go to, you'll encounter a newly designed homepage.  Your Log In button is still in the upper right corner.  In the menu bar on the left, click RESOURCES to learn more about all these amazing new features!

Thanks a Bunch! to my Patreon Peeps (past and present) for your faithful support of my art.  If you're not yet a LaureArt member, why not subscribe to my FREE Membership Tier today?  You can upgrade or cancel your membership any time.   Go to to learn more.

Painterly yours,  🎨 Lauré

"Creativity is deviation from expectation."  Patreon